Osteopathy Board of Australia - Easy English information about the shared Code of conduct is now available
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Easy English information about the shared Code of conduct is now available

21 Apr 2023

New Easy English information about the shared Code of conduct is now available. The easier to understand information will help people who find it hard to read and understand English know what standards of conduct they can expect from a registered health practitioner.

The shared Code of conduct (the code) applies to all practitioners and was updated last year to improve patient safety. As well as being a guiding document for health practitioners, the code is an important document for the public. The code outlines what the public can expect when they see a practitioner, including information about respect, culturally safe care, privacy and confidentiality and communication.

Code of conduct resources for the public

The new Easy English information is found on the Board’s website  with these resources for the public:

As well as resources for the public, there are resources available to help practitioners understand and apply the code. These resources include FAQs and case studies.

Who does the shared Code of conduct apply to?

The code applies to the following registered health practitioners:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners
  • Chinese medicine practitioners
  • chiropractors
  • dental practitioners
  • medical radiation practitioners
  • occupational therapists
  • optometrists
  • osteopaths
  • paramedics
  • pharmacists
  • physiotherapists
  • podiatrists and podiatric surgeons

For more information

Page reviewed 21/04/2023